Saturday, March 14, 2015

姐妹淘的增肥之旅 - Lavish Spa.

距离上一次更新都8个多月了 不知道为什么最近又有股冲动想继续blog回耶 好了 言归正题. 由于昨晚刚从Lavish Spa回来就一直被问:Lavish Spa到底好不好玩,值不值得,是不是真的像网上写的那么差等等的问题,所以我决定很诚实的写这一篇文章。

前天当我们一踏入Lavish Spa时 柜台人员跟我们说full了 我们5个直接吓到脸青去 毕竟我们一放学就直接赶过来了到那边都已经7点了。前一晚我也call过去 但是他们说直接walk in的啊 *冒冷汗 但之后还是很幸运的可以进去 呼~~~~*提醒大家三月的星期四会比较full 因为现在是promotion period
Lavish Spa
当我们check in后,柜台人员就把我们带到locker room并给我们一个手环 上面有我们的locker号码。我们需要scan自己的手环一次 工作人员再用他们的手环scan第二次 locker才会打开 所以可以很放心的把贵重物品放在里面哦 :) *男女的locker room是分开的 当我们把东西都放好后 他们给了我们一套完整的衣服 裤子 卫生内衣裤更换。

Locker Room

换了衣服后 我们就直接去Cafe吃晚餐 真的很full。我本来就对LS的印象不差 但可能是因为太多客人 他们也没办法支配人手 所以menu拿很慢 食物送很慢 食物也送错 waiter们的样子也没有很友善。等我们食物到齐吃完 已经是9点半了... 我们也是明白当时的情况 而且食物都有送到 所以就没有怎样。
Lavish Cafe
不同的时间会有不同的menu - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Supper. 饭啊 面啊 辣的 炒的 汤的 西式的都有 其实menu里的东西也是大致相同的 我特别喜欢他们的Seafood Tomyam Mee Hoon 还有炸鸡翼. 我都忘了我们order了多少set chicken wing. 
Lamb Chop
享用晚餐后 我们就去做SPA啦~*男女是分开的 情侣来也很适合 只是SPA和冲凉分开而已. 这里基本的日常用品都有 make up remover, lens solution, body lotion, hair dryer, face wash, conditioner 总之什么都有就对了 所以手空空进来就好了。

Spa Area里的小小locker 可以把手机、相机放在里面
Spa area里基本的设施都有spa pool、sauna、steam room. 还可以一边泡spa一边看电视呢~ 从sauna里面出来 工作人员还会贴心地送上冷冷的小毛巾和冷水 :) 做完SPA后 皮肤真的有比较滑 然后我们就直接去洗澡了. 
Spa Pool

Spa Pool
SAUNA & Steam Room
这里有hair dryer供大家使用
吹了头发 萌萌哒 哈哈哈哈
SPA后 本来要到迷你戏院看戏 但是full了 我们就到internet room上网休息 我特别喜欢那边的沙发 太舒服了~~~~~所以一躺下去直接睡着了。半夜1点被妹妹吵醒说肚子饿 所以我们就去吃宵夜 然后吃饱又继续睡了 *Cafe从7am开到3am.
超级肥的宵夜 *又是鸡翼
第二天早上 已经没有什么客人了 所以服务有比较棒了 服务员们都微笑着的 看了会心情很好 :)
等待早餐中 *无视我们的睡不醒的样子
吃了早餐后 我们就在也压抑不住内心的兴奋 直接换泳衣游泳去了 *泳衣必须自备. 不想游泳的话 也可以坐在旁边休息 上网喝饮料. 当我们玩得正开心时 发现有一个uncle一直看着我们都算了 他还无耻到拿起手机来录影 *他以为我们不懂但是他的动作很明显 真的很扫兴!!!!! 我们一直瞪着他 他还对我们笑 这世界真的什么人都有 死变态.
我们很生气但没有办法证明他在偷拍我们 我们就直接去SPA了 那边比较有privacy 这也是Spa area男女分开的好处吧? 做完Spa后 肚子又开始饿了 我们又往cafe跑去了~~~
Lunch *还是鸡翼
吃完午餐后 觉得有点困 我们就去迷你戏院看戏 然后椅子太舒服 我们5个又睡着了. 其实回想起来真的跟猪没有两样 吃饱就睡 睡饱就吃 Lavish Spa就是一个增肥之旅 哈哈哈哈哈. 睡醒后 我们就提早2个小时check-out 出去走走啦~~~

Resting Area

总而言之 :
这已经是我第二次去Lavish Spa了 第一次是抱着尝试的心态去 第二次却是带着一堆闺蜜姐妹们去 因为真的物超所值!以RM48 可以无限量吃、无限量做SPA、无限量上网、无限量睡、无限量看电影 真的值了. 我知道网上传着很多对Lavish Spa的负面评论 或是拿Oxxxxo Spa比较 但是切记在这里 你只付RM48而已。说到服务差 我倒是觉得还好 大家可以自己去体验哦!我个人是很满意 但当然他们也还有很多地方需要改进 因为他们的地方比较小 所以很多东西都有限 但大致上都很不错 我也很推荐给我身边的家人朋友 有机会我还会去第三次 :)

3 月 PROMOTION - 《收费/24小时/位》-  星期一至星期四,男生RM68 女生RM48.- 星期五,星期六,星期日和公共假期,男生是RM98 而女生是RM78。但是如果你在那里不超过5小时的话,价钱是和周日一样,男生RM68 而女生RM48。收费包括了按摩浴池、 蒸汽、 桑拿、 健身房、 游泳池、 电影院、 休息区与互联网电脑室和餐饮. *果汁另外收费RM3 *按摩、美甲另外收费.
Official FB :

Monday, July 14, 2014

Little Fat Duck Food Truck

There is a new food truck called Little Fat Duck @ SS15, Subang. I already visited it for three times. Hmmm Actually quite crazy because I never visit a restaurant or cafe regularly and this is the one and only food I keep craving for every week. They really serve quality foods although their foods is cheap and the workers are nice and friendly. This is also one of the reason that I keep visiting them every week.

I really like the design of the truck. Just nice and clean.

Part of their menu. *they didn't serve DUCK LOL

Cute, creative and Eco friendly packaging of the food.

I went there three times. First time, I ordered their Chicken Bolognaise. Second time, I ordered Chicken Bolognaie too. Third time, I ordered Chicken Bolognaise! Haha because their Chicken Bolognaise is just unforgettable and it only cost me RM5!*the portion is quite small laa. The cheapest spaghetti I ever had! But of course I tried their Carbonara and Aglio Olio Spaghetti too but I still prefer Chicken Bolognaise. I also tried their Mushroom Soup and Chicken Ham Egg Omelette, really small portion but delicious. Will definitely try Chicken Confit which highly recommended by food bloggers for the next visit.

Little Fat Duck. SS15 Subang
*In front of Public Bank
. 8:30pm - 12am. Tues-Sun.

Find them at : or Instagram: littlefatduckmalaysia

They have an express gourmet @ Giant Kota Damansara too but just serve 2 to 3 types of food.

So, yea. I decided to continue blogging because I keep 'hunting' good food this recently. I really want to share them out because I hope everyone can feel the happiness of having nice foods, coffee or desserts. I really couldn't found a word or quote to describe the feeling when you having a fulfilling, satisfying and delicious food or beverage. Follow my instagram : michiitam for more! Stay tuned! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

BuangBalik - Christmassssss 2013! ;D

First, I have to apologize for didn't update my blog for a super longggggggggg time -.- I always have a lot excuse to explain WHY. The main cause is MALAS LA! *lazy in Malay. Seriously, I always busying with my stuff, this that this that this. LOL. KKK, let's get back to the main topic of the day " Christmas". To me, Christmas is a holiday which all the roads are full fill with cars, "people mountain people sea" in every shopping center, road block everywhere and DISAPPOINTED . Because since child, I always hope that once I wake up then a present will be my side ;( So, I don't really have a great Christmas in the past few years. But, this year, 2013, I have a really wonderful, awesome and fun Christmas Celebration & Dinner!*feeling excited!

So, yea. I celebrated my 2013's Christmas Eve with my lovely partners which is equal to my family members, friends and boyfieeeeeee! We have our Christmas dinner at Ad Hog- a really peace and warm restaurant which surrounded by factories. According to Foodie Michii, the food is nice*especially the roast pork! price is reasonable and the owner is really friendly! *SATISFIED

Continue second round at Kent's home. Partayyyyyy timeeeee! DRINK DRANK DRUNK!*awwww Apple Ciderrrrrrrrrr! Actually nobody drunk because : I have to drive later. LOL Talk crap.

And then, yea, that's the funniest part! Hahas. Chasing each other, playing stupid games and laugh like idiot! To some people who didn't or not able to attend is such a waste. HAHA! Seriously, I enjoyed in this kind of celebration, no stress! Which fellow tell you, Christmas Eve must go clubbing, must countdown with crowd? ;D 

I bought a moisturize body oil from Holika Holika as Christmas present for the gift exchanges. I don't know what should I buy laaaaaaa! I really hope the one who get my present is girl but..LOL. He get it and keep asking me how to use, I was like.....-.-  And I get a wine set*suit me lo, alcoholic. which is from DaiLou Kit, my respectful mentor.

I always feel fortunately and no regret because I met them and joined them this sweet and warm gang which like my second family, my mentors are just like my Daddy & Mommy, partners are siblings - Brother & Sister . Because of this platform, I've changed a lot, become more mature and always fight for what I want and trying to be who I wanna be. When I'm down, they will understand me and cheers me up. When I'm happy, we will laugh and enjoy together. Yes, we work hard play hardest. They are all the right people who I should meet and I know we will make our life meaningful. I love everyone who inside this big family although they couldn't celebrate with us! Love yaaaaa! :) I will make my 2014 better than 2013! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, People!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Oktoberfest – For The Love Of Beer, HOORAY! =D

Undeniably, I'm an alcoholic, a 18 years old beer lover . I started takes alcohol when I am 13 years old. My mother was a super drinker, she always said that :" 70% of my body was made by alcohol and I was born to drink." LOL. damn showing off la! So, she started trained her daughter, me, to drink. Because I'm her successor. Hahaha. No la, actually because she know there are many "BAD PEOPLE" will trap young girls by alcohol, so she doesn't want me easy to get drunk then be taken advantage by them. My mum even brought me to clubbing when I'm 15. She tried to give me a special education that others mother won't taught their daughter, I think.

I feel proud that I can drink although I know beer or alcohol is not a good things if over excessive. But sometimes we used to drink some for socialize. I will never drunk until a not sober situation because I want to ensure my friends, family safety. And I know that, when some of the peoples drunk, they will start doing oddly action, start crying like a child, laughing like an idiot or vomit everywhere. So, I don't really hope these kind of effect will happen to me. Damn embarrassed la! I prefer to sleep like a sweet princess when I am drunk, may I?

The beers that I drink the most was Carlsberg. But actually I prefer Tiger and Heineken. To me, both of them smoother and taste good than Carlsberg. I never try Guinness because I heard that it is more bitter or something, so I didn't dare to try. Emmmm will try after this.

By the way, there is an Oktoberfest 2013 which conduct by Nuffnang and Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) at Bistro 32, Sunway Pyramid during NNFoodFest! OMG I want to get those beer coupons! There 2x Heineken, 2x Guinesss and 2x Tiger coupons for free! If I get 6 pints of beer, I will share it with my alcoholic mother and her alcoholic boyfriend and of course my alcoholic best friend - JeanV! So each person get 2 pints! Hahaha. That is not enough I think. Because all of us love TIGER, HEINEKEN AND GUINESS! WOHOOO! So please.. let me get those coupons! :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Malacca !

Alohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ I'm a super lazy blogger. Sorray for that. Started college life last week so I'm kinda busy and lazy. Last weekend, I have visited the historical city - Malacca on Malaysia's Independence Day. See, how much I love my country! : ) Malaysia BOLEH! (LOL MACAM YES!) Okay laaaaaa actually I went Malacca for spending my holiday only lerrr! Went there with my craziest best friend - Miss Ang Jean-V.

Once we arrived there we keep finding the guest house we have book online.We should do a good research before heading to Malacca wehh. We just know the guest house is around Jonker Street. HEHE. Thanks Google Map, finally we found it! LOL This is the best of Google Map la although sometimes it show incorrect way.
The guest house that we have stayed for 2 nights is Sayang-Sayang Guest House. From the first step I stepped into the guest house I felt warm and comfortable because the staff smiling friendly at us. This is the powerful of SMILE! The way he smile is sincere and true. I really can't forget it. I can't find this types of smile at any hostel or hotel. I felt surprised with the design of the room, there was two storey in the small room. Upside have a queen size bed and there was a staircase to let us climb up. Downstairs have a sofa and a little table. I have took some photo with the staircase, pattern banyak ohhh!

After placed all the bag pack, luggage in the room, we walked to Jonker Street to find some food. Damn HUNGRY! There was only a short walking distance from our guest house to Jonker Street. After ate some food then we walking around in Jonker Street. My friend is a girl who crazy with tattoo but she didn't allowed to do the real one. So that is a MUST DO when she saw the inking tattoo stall at anywhere, anytime. But I didn't encourage you guys to do at Jonker Street la because quite expensive and fade quickly than others. Her 'tattoo' started fading on the next day.

After walking around Jonker Street, we went Eleven Bistro to drink someeeeee! HEHE The most awesome part in the whole trip! DRINK DRANK DRUNK! But we drank a little bit only laaaaaaaa.

Second Day. After having chicken rice as lunch, we went Dataran Pahlawan for hair wash and shopping. Oh yea, behind of Sayang-Sayang Guest House is Malacca River. Although the river is smelly when boat pass by but there still a nice place to take photo! HAHA. By the way, you can rent a bicycle from Sayang-Sayang to look around Malacca City. The rental fees for one hour is only RM3! But it will more worth if you rent for a whole day, only RM10 =)
Casual Outfit Of The Day
- Crop Top from online shop
- High waist pant from F.Block
- Slipper from my mum LOL

Third Day. We woke up in the early morning as we want to eat a breakfast before leaving Malacca. We kept walked around to find a cafe which have American Breakfast. Suddenly I saw this super huge poster! MU! Yea, I'm crazy with Manchester United! Sorrayyyy for this super blur photo.. HEHE I forget to bring my camera niaaaaaa.

Finally!!!! We found a cafe/restaurant which have American Breakfast! This cafe have a very peaceful and comfortable environment . Their food very niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and won't too expensive =)

I like this photo very much. A uncle with cycling his bicycle and I was posing at there LOL!

Casual Outfit Of The Day
- Wolf Graphic Top from Kitschen
The very last station at Malacca - Nadeje Layers Cake. I prefer Original and Cheese flavour. The chocolate strawberry flavor looked nice but taste..ehemmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

After that, we heading to our home sweet home! Thanks for my crazy best friend - Jean-V for bringing me along to Malacca with her family! We should go travel together every year la! Awwwwwwwwwwwww! I love youuuuuuu! Sleeping beauty? Naw! She is sleeping monster! LOL

Stay tuned! =)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Oh Hi.. Dear friends! =) I'm finally home after half day works! Holiday mood ON now. Woohooooooooo! Excited! =目
If you guys have follow my Instagram or Facebook you will know that I have dye my hair. Today I'm gonna blog about maaaaaaaa NEW HAIR COLOURS! This is really crazy because I bleach 70% of my hair long hair. My hair finally done after spending 7 hours at the saloon which I always visited. Yes, it is O Salon. It located at Kota Kemuning Shah Alam. Very short distance from my house that's why I choose this saloon to do my hair. Most of the girls won't mind sitting there for long hours because we always get to be pampered like a queen. LOL
I have discussed with the hair stylist before I decided to to my hair. I showed him some pictures and I told him I want PINK on my hair.

This photo captured before I heading to saloon. I just wanna show the different of before and after.

After sitting there few hours, my hair looks like BIHUN. zzz TERRIBLE! I really felt heart pain when I saw this. Because they need bleach my hair before dye my sweet PINK.

My face smiling but my heart crying when I saw my hair damaged =( 

After he put on the colors then I need wait again. again. again. My ass gonna FLAT and my stomach keep making weird SOUND. Yes I'm hungry. Luckily Pui Khei buy me BEAR PAW. Huhhhh the most delicious Bear Paw I ever eat. THANKS!

In Process.
I'm too boring while waiting. Keep making stupid faceeee.

Yeah! Finally my hair doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And I love it so much. PINK RED PURPLE. This is the back view of my hair. Not perfect snap :(  The stylist don't want to send me the photo that he captured.So I need snap myself with the awkward pose - -

Front captured. Awwwwwww so lovely right?

Thanks for my bestie Pui Khei accompanied me for around 7 hours. Although she just sit alone and playing her smartphone at side. Quite pity wehh. Thanks Thanks Thanks! And also my another bestie Jean-V who hairdo with meeee! =D HEHE

Today I went Sunway Pyramid shopping with my aunt again. There really a good place for me. I just be there last Sunday. HAHA. But today different because I'm going out with my sweet sweet hair. A lot of people keep staring at me because of my bright and red hair lorhh =X Awkward moment ever.

Black Top with words and Red Stylish Skirt from KITCHEN. White watch from SWATCH. 
An outfit which is totally match with my PINK RED PURPLE hair. I really wanna buy the dress but I scared get scold by Mummy as last Sunday I have bought some shirts already. So I give up. :( but a lot of friends said this skirt very nice and suit me after I post this photo to social website. Kinda SAD because I can't get it.

HOLIDAY MOOD ON! Going back hometown to visit my lovely Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow. I Miss Them Badly. :(
By the way, Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends =)